Component #1: The Points Sheet lists verifiable musical activities. After an award is given at 10 points, any extra points will carryover from year to year, only if all 3 components are submitted before the due date. Please note items requiring pre-approval by the Band Director.
Awards points are available for:
Marching Band - (5 points)
Private lessons on main instrument - (1 point for lessons AFTER marching season or 2 points or lessons all year - must also submit verification sheet for this one)
Piano lessons (0.5 points)
Senior Regional Orchestra Audition (1 point)
Senior Regional Orchestra Event (2 points)
District Band Audition (1 point)
District Band Event Participant (2 points)
All State Audition (1 point)
All State Event Participant (2 points)
Solo & Ensemble (1 point for 1st event / 0.5 point for each additional event)
Indoor Winter Guard (2 points)
Pit Orchestra (1 point)
Northern Virginia Youth Wind Ensemble (1 point)
Virginia Wind Academy (1 point)
American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras-AYPO, AYSO (1 point)
Summer Music Camp (must have prior approval and documentation - 1 point)
University Band Day - JMU, UVA, VT, GMU, etc (1 point)
Other Ensemble (must have prior approval and documentation- 1 point)
OHS Jazz Band (1 point)
Components #2 and #3: Each year, 5 hours of community service must be completed in order to get credit for your Band Award points. The hours do not have to be band related but must be documented/signed by someone other than their parent.
The student must also volunteer at 2 Band Events during the year. They should remember to sign-in and also note the adult who can verify the hours. These events can include:
Marching Field Lining
Cougar Kick Off: Selling Spirit Wear or playing in an ensemble
Recruiting event at the middle/elementary schools
Future Cougar Night
Student Work Days (multiple)
Band event volunteers (TBD each year)
Election Day Bake Sale
Jammin’ Oakton Set up/Clean up (December)
Holiday Wonderland show “extras” (December)
8th Grade Audition Days (spring)
Area Band days (spring)
Students are responsible for planning ahead to complete these events and obtaining proper signature/documentation if they wish to use their band points towards an award. Service must be completed before the deadline for points to accumulate. Pep Band and other Required events are not counted toward volunteering for Band Events. Other opportunities may arise during the year, but it is recommended that students be proactive. Please contact the awards chair at if you are unsure whether an item will count towards an award.
Optional form used to verify students' participation in a private lessons; to be credited toward Award Points.